Fee increase decision postponed to May 5, 2020 Board of Directors meeting.

  • The Board of Directors will continue the discussion on proposed quarterly fee increases into next year.  No decision regarding the potential fee increase was reached at the meeting held on Wednesday, November 13, 2019.
  • The Board of Directors have established a Finance Committee made of homeowners to review possible fee increases based on varying scenarios.
  • The Board of Directors is looking for individuals willing to serve on the Finance Committee, Modification Committee, and Social Committee. If you are interested please contact us at updates@svlmd-barefootlakes.com or attend a quick informational meeting after the Community Meeting on January 21, 2020 at 6:00 P.M.

If you are interested please read on.  

Barefoot Lakes Residents,

At the Board meeting held Wednesday, November 13, 2019 at The Cove the Board of Directors heard varying perspectives on the proposed quarterly fee increases recommended to be effective July 1, 2020.  After considering the feedback that was provided, the Board would like to further discuss the issue with a committee made of homeowners over the next several months before making a final decision on the acceptance of proposed fee increases.  The Board would like to have individuals with varying backgrounds and experience participate in hopes that a representative group of neighbors working together will be able to express the needs and wants of the community. 

Seven (7) members of the Barefoot Lakes Community can be appointed to review and participate in discussions concerning various District financial matters, including budgets, audits, and other financing matters.  Recommendations to the Board regarding such matters must be in a standardized written report, submitted to the Board no later than one week prior to the quarter Board meeting, and signed by the chairperson of the Finance Committee.

Thank you to all of those who took time out of their personal schedule to attend either the Community Meeting or the Board Meeting to provide feedback.  Local government works best with active participation.